Gun Owners of America (GOA), a non-profit organization representing two million Americans and dedicated to preserving and defending 2nd Amendment rights, today announced its endorsement of Harriet Hageman, Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in Wyoming. Hageman is challenging incumbent Rep. Liz Cheney, who has stopped representing Wyoming and focused all her energies on her personal war on President Donald Trump and working for Nancy Pelosi on the illegitimate January 6th Committee.
Mark Jones, GOA National Director of Hunter’s Programs, issued the following statement:
“Hageman earned GOA’s support because of a 100% score on our Second Amendment rights survey and her long history of standing against federal over-reach through her work as a constitutional attorney. She has a track record of fighting for Wyoming against an out-of-control Federal Government, and those qualities have never been more important than now given the threats we face from the Biden Administration.”
Hageman issued the following statement:
“It is an honor to receive the support of such a stalwart organization as Gun Owners of America, who are tireless advocates for the constitutional rights of Wyoming residents and all Americans. The 2nd Amendment is about more than just hunting – it’s about the ability of law-abiding people to protect themselves and their families. In Wyoming, we understand and revere these rights, and as a constitutional attorney I know they are under greater assault today than perhaps at any other point in our history.
“By doing Nancy Pelosi’s political dirty work on the January 6th Committee, Liz Cheney has entered a partnership with the very people who are trying to strip these rights away. She has completely lost the respect and trust of Republicans in Congress, and the Democrats will discard her as soon as she’s no longer useful, so she can never be effective for Wyoming again. When I am the next congresswoman from Wyoming, I will fight against government intrusion and defend all the God-given rights we’re born with as free people under our Constitution.”
